Graphic designer, visual artist and teacher. He studied at the Higher Institute of Industrial Design, Enrique JosVarona Pedagogical Institute and the National Academy of Fine Arts San Alejandro in Havana, which is Professor of Drawing and Graphic Design. Ctedra founder of Digital Arts and graphic and artistic director of the Digital Cultural Magazine "Lettres de Cuba." Member of the Cuban Association of Social Communicators (ACCS), the Advisory Board of Editions Cubarte the Ministry of Culture, the Cuban Fund of the photographic image (FCIF), the Latin American Photography (FIF), Association No of photographers Actuphoto of France and the National Register of Plastic Arts of the Creator. It has played professionally as a graphic designer of the Nouveaux Encyclopdie Mdias for dArt National Centre Georges Pompidou et de Culture, and General-Webmaster and designer of the Brownstone Foundation in France Selected as Exclusive Creative for Premium Advertising Agency Publicity SA and as a graphic designer and the Caribbean Structural Paper. He has been awarded six scholarships and nursing professionals: National Centre dArt et de Culture Georges Pompidou. France Brownstone Foundation. France Statale Primo Liceo Artistico Torino-Torino State Polytechnic Institute. Italy, Universidad del Bio-Bio, Chile, Pontificia Catholic University of Pery Latin American Secretariat. MIEC-IYCS. Ecuador. His works include the graphic design page and the editorial, identity design, photography, audiovisual and graphic ambientacin Positioning. Has conducted ten personal exhibitions YMS fifty national and international exhibitions, participating in numerous shows, biennials and art festivals in Cuba, Portugal, Korea, Spain, France, Italy, Mexico and the United States. His work theorists and graphics have been published in the portal UNESCO (fr) World Cultural Hispano (s), Caasanta (x), Artecomunicarte (x), paint your (x), Foroalfa (arg) TrekEarth (uk), Espacephoto (fr), Spes (ec), News Cuban Art (cu), Festimage (by), Cultural Directory Cubarte (Cu), News-Cubarte (cu), Radio Habana Cuba (cu), Proyectoweb (cu), Juventud Rebelde (cu) and Infomed (cu). He is author of Design, designing, designed. Theories, strategies and procedures' s basic upcoming publication. He has received the following awards: Honorary Mention. Jornada scientists. ISPEJV; Selection Jury. IV and V Salon de Arte Digital. Centro Cultural Pablo de la Torriente Brau, Shared Award for Best University Web Site. CUJAE CIPEL-day scientist, First Prize Design IMCS-Pax Romana International. France, Second Prize Design (poster). Jornada scientists. IFAL-UH, First Prize (logo). Union Paper. Ministry of Industry, First and Second Design Award (container) of the Caribbean Paper. Canad. Features works in the collections of the National Academy of Fine Arts San Alejandro, Hotel Nacional de Cuba, International Museum of Humor, Centro Cultural Pablo de la Torriente Brau (CUBA), University of Toulouse, IMCS-Pax Romana International. Paris (France) Art Deco Society of New York and Los Angeles (USA), SLA-MIEC-IYCS. Quito Guayasamn Foundation (ECUADOR), Universidad del Bio-Bio (CHILE), Pontifical Catholic University of the PRSP); Provincial Council of Ourense (Spain) and Oikos Cooperaao e Desenvolvimento , Lisbon (PORTUGAL).